How does USBSecure Enterprise work?
USBSecure Enterprise runs as a service on Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 and Windows 11. You can define the users who are able to use certain USB devices.
As the service starts – when booting up – the current configuration files will be downloaded from the server. The configuration files contain user-based information (Active Directory or local users) for enabling or disabling USB devices, Bluetooth devices, Thunderbolt drives, FireWire ports, eSATA devices, SD cards, floppy and CD/DVD drives.

To enable a complete group of devices – e.g. non-critical devices like USB keyboards, mice or scanners – for all users, you need to place just one entry in the central USB config file usb.cfg in the AllUsers section.
You need the VidPid identifier to enable only a single USB device. This identifier is listed in the USBSecure logfile or can be retrieved by executing the provided script „ShowExistingUsbDevices.vbs“. Alternatively you can get the VidPid identifier directly from the device manager. The VidPid identifier must be entered below the user name of the corresponding user.

The texts for your users are freely definable and even adaptable to other languages.
You don’t need a dedicated server for USBSecure Enterprise. An existing Windows server can be used – you just need two Windows shares.