KB2302041 - Backup and Restore
This article explains which folders and files you should back up regularly in a productive PC-Check environment and how to proceed in the event of data loss.
Refers to: PC-Check 4
Since PC-Check is a portable software, does not require a dedicated server and database, and does not make any resgistry entries, the backup and restore procedure is very simple.
You should back up the following directories regularly:
- The ConfigShare directory with all subdirectories. This is the directory that is displayed in the bottom left corner of PC-Check Designer. Here are the files that you have created and modified with the Designer.
- The ResultShare directory with all subdirectories. This is the directory that is displayed in the PC-Check Admin at the bottom left. This is where the result files generated during the checks are located.
When restoring, a distinction is made between two cases: The restore of a configuration file (Designer) and the restore of your complete PC-Check environment.
Restoring a configuration file
Simply restore the configuration file (extension .cfg or .icfg) from the backup of your ConfigShare directory and copy it to the ConfigShare directory. Restart PC-Check Designer.
Restoring the complete PC-Check environment
- If the three shares ConfigShare, ResultShare and Speedtest no longer exist, recreate them by starting Setup.exe from the installation files, selecting "Network installation" and performing step 1 (Create the central shares).
- Copy the files from the ConfigShare and ResultShare directories backup to the appropriate directories.
If you have changed the location of your ConfigShare, ResultShare and Speedtest directories, you can easily customize them in the PC-Check.ini, PC-Check-Admin.ini and PC-Check-Designer.ini files.
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